Don’t Lose Weight Until You Can Answer One Simple Question

What’s your “why”?

If your only motivation for losing weight is to be scorching hot, think again.


Well, the world has no shortage of ugly skinny people.

Why do you expect you’ll be exempt from their ranks?

Don’t misunderstand. Wanting to look good is not in and of itself problematic.

But if it’s the only reason? Or the dominating reason?

Then you’re instantly shuffled into the pile of the 90% of people who gain back the weight they lose (often with interest).

If your main reason for losing weight is to get hot so that you can be more attractive to others, you’re setting yourself up for the external validation trap.

There will never be enough compliments to satiate the infinite void within you.

There will never be enough flirtation.

Or enough sex.

Or enough random passerby checkin’ out your bum.

When the validation inevitably pauses, you’ll be like a dope fiend without your dope.

And that’s not hot at all. That’ll lead to fewer flirtations, less compliments and a sex drought.

Because no healthy person wants to keep pouring their energy into someone that can’t be satisfied.

But well, let’s say you want to be hot just so you like what you look like.

Sounds noble. And that’s cool.

We all want to like what we look like, right?

But no matter how skinny you are.

How are you going to handle the days when you don’t like what you see in the mirror?

Or you see a picture and you’re like, “WHAT? I DON’T LOOK LIKE THAT? DO I? DO I!?!?”

When appearance is your primary motivation for getting in shape, you’re S.O.L.

There’s no way to make it work in the long run.

If you’re long-hauling it, and want to get in with the coveted 10% who keep off their weight for life…

It’s imperative to get your motivations in check.

Besides, here’s a secret

True attractiveness that matters is only minimally about physical appearance.

True scorching hotness comes from a light in your heart that shines out through your eyes, words, and actions.

It’s the charismatic animation of a self-confident, autonomous person.

It’s a heart of service and selflessness, and also one of self-care and boundaries.

It comes from the genuine emotional connections you form with other people.

It grows out of vulnerability and self-respect.

Scorchin’ hotness is in the eyes of the beholder, as they say.

So you gotta let others behold you to achieve it.

But not just behold your body. Your body is a sack of flesh with an expiration date.

Your mind and your soul are the fire that people will truly remember you for.

So if you want to be attractive, more power to you.

But if you don’t work on your mindset, you’re just gonna be another fugly skinny person in the grand scheme of things.

So are you serious about losing weight?

Can we agree that it would not be fun to get stuck in a cycle of losing weight and gaining it back?


So what’s your “why”?

Need some coaching? I’ve got you.

(P.S. The lack of sex is because I don't look for sex... I won't coach you to a sexless existence. Promise!)

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