Why Would Possess Me To Post This Picture?

“What a douche-bag,” might be your first reaction when you see someone flexing their muscles on the Internet.

Why would I post this? Am I bragging? Worshipping myself? Showing off?

No… not really.

No way does this look as impressive to you as it feels to me

The reason I feel impressive is because I remember all so well the journey it took to get here, and the utter turd tornado that preceded it.

I maxed out at about 350 pounds. Maybe more.

Pardon the visual, but I couldn’t wash my ass in the shower without pulling my shoulder and back muscles.

My most comfortable way to sit since childhood is the half-lotus position. I cried when I realized I couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t get comfortable in that, or any position.

What was happening to me? How had it come to this?

Couldn’t even walk around the block without coming home and collapsing into a self-mourning heap.

I gave up on myself for a while. Gave up hope of ever getting better.

So, imagine being that person.

I uh, guess that’s a bulging bicep…

Then imagine what it was like to go from that, to gleefully realizing one day that my muscles have more definition than they’ve ever had before.

I’m no bodybuilder. Yet. I can only do about five push-ups at once. I can do about five chin-ups too (I am proud of that, that took some work).

But you know what? I have a clean ass. Sitting half-lotus as I write this. I can walk as far as I want to (within reason).

My body does everything I need it to, in order to function and flourish in life.

Can you imagine what that means to me, after being in the hole I was in?

Can you tap into my excitement?

I share this picture, because it tells a story.

A story of hopelessness becoming hope.

Depression becoming contentment.

Insecurity becoming confidence.

Chaos becoming balance.

I am happy to be me today, and I want you to be happy being you.

Some people might call you a douche-bag when you’re happy being you.

But we all know that only a douche-bag calls someone a douche-bag for being happy.

Smile at them, wish them well, and carry on like the superstar you are.

If you’re someone with a burning desire to lose weight and keep it off for life, hit me up for 1-on-1 coaching.

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