Falling Apart for a New Start

Here’s a first glimpse at my work-in-progress, a daily recovery meditational called Just for Right F*cking Now.

I write a new chapter for it every morning when I sit down with my journal and convey whatever it is that I most need for myself in that moment.

If I need it, chances are, someone else does too.

All the recovery literature out there I’ve found, is written by people who have gotten stable. They remember what it’s like to be in the trenches of addiction, but sometimes it’s hard for them to speak directly to the heart of someone that’s lost in the chaos, heartache, and whiplash of addiction.

So Just for Right F*cking Now is going to be a book of recovery meditations for the people who can’t read “Just for Today” without rolling their eyes at the platitudes.

For the people who go to a 12-step meeting, and run for the hills after hearing something about surrendering their life to a Higher Power.

For the people who wake up every day with the best of intentions, but by the end of the day all bets are off.

This book is my anthem to those in early recovery. We may feel alone, but we aren’t. At all.

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