What You Can Do That Tony F*ckin’ Robbins Can’t

Cheesy? Check. True? Check.

Do you know who Tony Robbins is?

Larger-than-life motivational speaker.

Richer than Scrooge McDuck.

He looks like Hellboy bred with Ricky Martin.

Runs seminars with 10,000+ attendants and he charges them thousands of dollars a pop for an experience they’ll never forget. Though not everyone stays for the whole deal.

His reach is staggering.

He was not always that way…

He consciously invented the person he is today. He rose up from a background of poverty and abuse.

But if you see his smug grin or team of servants, those origins may not be obvious.

He has effectively shed the skin of the past and owns his power now.

This, however, is not a puff piece about Tony Robbins…

This is actually a puff piece about you.

Because you are just as amazing as Tony Robbins.

You may or may not be well aware at this point, of the talents and overall value that you offer those around you.

If you go around comparing your status to a behemoth like Tony Robbins, you might get stuck.

You might wonder what the point is.

Why put yourself out there and be a small fish in a big ocean?

Why not let Tony just do his thing? What difference would you make, anyway?

Well. Here’s the thing.

If you were to go around and ask everyone you know if they are familiar with Tony Robbins, it is a statistical inevitability that some will say yes, others will say no.

100% of those people know of you, though.

If you ask the people who know of Tony Robbins, if they feel affinity and trust for him, again some might say yes, and others resoundingly not so much.

Ask the non-fans of Tony Robbins in your life, if they feel affinity and trust for you.

Some of them probably (hopefully?) will.

Fact: Some people who abhor Tony Robbins, adore YOU.

In other words, you can reach people that Tony can’t.

But you’ll never reach anyone in a meaningful way if your aspirations get constipated in the shadows of giants.

Maybe you do not want to do anything that Tony Robbins does.

That guy is just an example. This applies to any distinguished authority in any field.

If you want to write horror but say, “I’ll never be Stephen King, so what is the point?” you’ll be depriving the world of words that Stephen King could never dream of writing.

Because there is only one you.

Tony Robbins. Stephen King. Freakin’ PewDiePie. Every rock star, President, and successful influencer throughout the course of history.

None of them were born as icons.

They all fought, sweat, and bled to transcend the limitations of their circumstances and personalities.

They all have origin stories.

Welcome to your own origin story

What are you willing to fight, sweat, and bleed for?

Like any person that finds sustainable success, you have the capacity to invent yourself one brick at a time.

Do not be intimidated by the behemoths.

Envy is a waste of time and dignity.

Analyze those who meet your criteria of success, and incorporate their traits which resonate with your values and goals.

If you do not yet have a clear sense of your values and goals, then start there.

Our core values become our northern star.

There were times when I didn’t have clarity on what my own values were. Northern star, obscured.

Had to deeply inquire about that inwardly, and seek guidance from mentors who had some distinct awesomeness going on in their lives that I wanted for myself.

No jealousy. Only inspiration.

The only difference between you and those who’ve “made it” is that they understand some concepts that you are still figuring out.

They organized their plans and efforts around developing the habits, knowledge, mentalities, and skills to take them to where they’re at now.

You can do that too. And why wouldn’t you?

There is no shame in being at the bottom of the ladder.

Don’t pout because there are people higher up than you.

Instead, get excited. Start climbing.

“It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey, blah blah blah”

But hold on.

No need to get overly eager about the ascent. If you do, you might miss out on appreciating and absorbing the splendor of the seemingly-sacred moments that occur en route.

If you can connect with one person through your work, and make a positive difference in their lives…

It’s you who made that difference. Not Tony fucking Robbins.

And if you don’t let yourself appreciate the profundity of touching one person’s life…

If you can’t revel in the gratitude for that…

Then why would you ever be worthy of reaching a vaster audience?

So, meet yourself where you’re at.

Inscribe humility and gratitude upon your heart in your early stages, for these will serve you and your trajectory well.

Collaborate with the behemoths by reaching the essential hearts and minds they can never touch.

Grow into your own, organically and profoundly.

At your own pace, in your own time, in your own way.

I am so glad that you are you.

Still cheesy? Maybe. True? Absolutely.

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