Becoming a Trial-Embracer

If we can enjoy neutrality or lack of pleasure (which I’ve experienced in meditation)…

And we can become conditioned to love our enemies and with them well until there isn’t much of a point in labeling them ‘enemies’ anymore (which I’ve experienced in my lifelong search for the optimal way to live)…

Then I believe we can sustain joy in our hearts while navigating the chaos, confusion, and despair of the world.

A picture comes to mind, of a seasoned warrior on the battlefield, one who wears a smile in their heart if not upon their face, as they skillfully face and transcend mortal peril.

Why do they smile? Where does that joy of battle come from, when others in the same role may be overwhelmed and despondent, or have never come out of hiding to join the battle to begin with?

The smile is not an accident, and probably not a birthright. It’s a smile of confidence.

Confidence born from preparation, skill, and the fruits of experience. Born maybe from an unwavering belief in the ideals being fought for.

Preparation, skill, and mighty adherence to a profound ideal are generally not accidents either.

They come from training. Receptivity to and immersion in ideas and principles from beyond the individual’s established modus operandi.

They come from getting through growing pains and confusion and the grief of losing an obsolete, but an intimately comfortable former version of self.

They come from consistency. Intentionality. And practice, practice, practice. Assessment, modification where needed, and re-application. Perseverance.

That’s at least part of how to become a trial-embracer, a challenge-enjoyer.

I don’t have all the pieces. Despite knowledge and theory, my own heart often runs on empty.

But like you, I am on a path.

Where that path leads, no mortal could divine.

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