Genre: Fantasy/Action & Adventure
Format: Kindle Vella
Description: After 22 years confined to bed with an overwhelming chronic illness, Rei Fern rises to the occasion and faces his inner demons in the name of friendship, loyalty, and destiny.

Genre: Non-fiction/Recovery
Format: Kindle Vella
Description: Everything I know about addiction and recovery, broken down into simple terms that anyone can use to find the path to recovery that works best for them

Genre: Memoir/Philosophy
Format: Paperback, hardcover, ebook
Description: Can humans get along? Is it possible to create a world without war? Can we heal and grow from our deepest losses? What is art, and why is it important? What is God, and why does it matter? Does any of this matter at all? What if we all have more in common than we think? What if we are all more different than we think? Is Queen Elizabeth a shape-shifting reptilian?